簡單記錄一下, DKT 被贖回了!
Deutsche Bank Contingent Capital Trust V
Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.
50,600,000 8.05% Noncumulative Trust Preferred Securities
having an Aggregate Liquidation Preference Amount of
US$ 1,265,000,000 and
4,800,000 8.05% Noncumulative Trust Preferred Securities
having an Aggregate Liquidation Preference Amount of
US$ 120,000,000
(Liquidation Preference Amount US$ 25 per Trust Preferred Security)
CUSIP Number: 25150L108
ISIN: US25150L1089
The Regular Trustees and the Property Trustee of Deutsche Bank Contingent Capital Trust V have been notified that on December 30, 2019, Deutsche Bank AG will redeem its Initial Debt Securities and Deutsche Bank Contingent Capital LLC V will redeem its Class B Preferred Securities. We therefore hereby give notice that subject to receipt of the Redemption Price in full by the Property Trustee, the 50,600,000 8.05% Noncumulative Trust Preferred Securities having an aggregate liquidation preference amount of US$ 1,265,000,000, issued by Deutsche Bank Contingent Capital Trust V with an issue date of May 9, 2008 and the 4,800,000 8.05% Noncumulative Trust Preferred Securities having an aggregate liquidation preference amount of US$ 120,000,000, issued by Deutsche Bank Contingent Capital Trust V with an issue date of March 30, 2010, will be redeemed on December 30, 2019 at their liquidation preference amount of US$ 25 per Trust Preferred Security plus any accrued and unpaid capital payments for the current payment period to but excluding the redemption date. All regulatory preconditions are met.
派埋12月份息$0.5 就贖回, 現價做緊 $25.47
點算? 我成日計錯數, 不過計落貨息
25 X 0.03 /12 = 0.0625
即係呢, 25+0.5-0.0625 = 25.4375 賣出會較有著數.
昨晚即沽, 再加注買入幾隻本來已持有既優先股/ETD.
簡短作個報告, 所以, 太過ABOVE PAR 而又近贖回日/已過贖回日0既ETD / 優先股, 係有贖回風險0既.
上次HSEA HSEB 未學精的, 今次DKT 又上課了!
最後, 小弟唔知點解有SCIATICA 特徵, 但係SLR 同 figure Of 4 都係陰性....PAT 痛腳底踩棉感覺, 又繼續留意下是否張椅問題....拍YOUTUBE 坐得太耐吧.
今日太太休息日, 又去食下野.
第一次食, 原來仲有幾日要執笠...太子始創中心.
之後又食TINO'S PIZZA, 小弟深水埗飯堂