係上幾篇文度, 我講過話想止蝕GOF....
見一眾BLOGGER 不論港台, 都一致放棄呢隻野, 當連小弟呢D 蟹貨王都諗住走貨之時, 仲唔係大家入貨機會咩?
呢個月, GOF又上番來了...我無止蝕啊.
因為, 即使ROC, 都係派番自己錢, 息係收少左, 但又未至於會蝕.
GOF 話自己無槓, 即係如果有槓, 就可以正常派番息吧?
拿, 我乜都唔識, 真係蝕死無命賠, 如果你自問聰明過我, 你都係去買樓把啦~~~
另一個令人想沽GOF 的原因, 係呢隻野有30% WITHOLDING TAX! 如果派番本金(ROC) 而又要收稅, 咪好唔抵?
非也, 係2018稅務年度, GOF 0既ROC, CAPITAL GAIN 都有退番稅.
我用我作文F 0既英文程度, 問過IB職員, 得到回覆如下:
IBCS 2019/12/30 04:00:19
Dear Mr. Wong,
Thank you for contacting Interactive Brokers’ Client Services team.
Please note that the tax classifications for distributions of Closed End Funds / Exchange Traded Funds are provided by the issuers and we only apply tax classification treatments upon receiving information from them.
Per our record, historically, the distributions of GOF were classified as a majority of Interest from RIC (Non-Qualified Dividend) and a minority of Unqualified Dividend and Qualified Dividend.
However, the distributions would first be withheld and then re-classified after we received the tax classifications. For GOF, tax classifications were generally conducted at the beginning of next year. Since we have not received the tax classifications for distributions of GOF for 2019, 30% withholding is applied and we will adjust the withholding, as appropriate, when the tax classifications become available.
即係IB 會先扣起30%, 直到每年年頭(三月), 等GOF 出左TAX CLASSIFICATION 先再退比你!
Interest from RIC (Non-Qualified Dividend) is exempted from US withholding tax while Unqualified Dividend and Qualified Dividend are subject to withholding tax.
咩黎? 下面用個圖解, 拿, 我都唔係好識!
On a side note, a W-8BEN form is only valid for 3 years and resubmission is required every 3 years to update the form. Any interest earned from your holdings will be subject to US withholding tax after the expiration of the form.
Please update your W-8BEN form before expiration. You may navigate to Settings > Account Settings > Profiles> Info on your Client Portal. The profile window opens, displaying the information of the people and/or entities associated with the account. The available Tax Forms are displayed at the bottom of the window.
For more information, you may refer to the following page:
Should you have any questions, please let us know.
Alan C
IBKR Client Services
咁GOF 實際係2018 年收左幾多稅? 當然少過30%啦
另一個月係咁, 收左15%
2018年度, 我只持有GOF 9個月, 除番都係大約7%稅! 咩係RIC? 大家GOOGLE 下啦, 我已經唔係太想知道事情0既真相, 大約如下:
見一眾BLOGGER 不論港台, 都一致放棄呢隻野, 當連小弟呢D 蟹貨王都諗住走貨之時, 仲唔係大家入貨機會咩?
呢個月, GOF又上番來了...我無止蝕啊.
因為, 即使ROC, 都係派番自己錢, 息係收少左, 但又未至於會蝕.
GOF 話自己無槓, 即係如果有槓, 就可以正常派番息吧?
拿, 我乜都唔識, 真係蝕死無命賠, 如果你自問聰明過我, 你都係去買樓把啦~~~
另一個令人想沽GOF 的原因, 係呢隻野有30% WITHOLDING TAX! 如果派番本金(ROC) 而又要收稅, 咪好唔抵?
非也, 係2018稅務年度, GOF 0既ROC, CAPITAL GAIN 都有退番稅.
我用我作文F 0既英文程度, 問過IB職員, 得到回覆如下:
IBCS 2019/12/30 04:00:19
Dear Mr. Wong,
Thank you for contacting Interactive Brokers’ Client Services team.
Please note that the tax classifications for distributions of Closed End Funds / Exchange Traded Funds are provided by the issuers and we only apply tax classification treatments upon receiving information from them.
Per our record, historically, the distributions of GOF were classified as a majority of Interest from RIC (Non-Qualified Dividend) and a minority of Unqualified Dividend and Qualified Dividend.
However, the distributions would first be withheld and then re-classified after we received the tax classifications. For GOF, tax classifications were generally conducted at the beginning of next year. Since we have not received the tax classifications for distributions of GOF for 2019, 30% withholding is applied and we will adjust the withholding, as appropriate, when the tax classifications become available.
即係IB 會先扣起30%, 直到每年年頭(三月), 等GOF 出左TAX CLASSIFICATION 先再退比你!
Interest from RIC (Non-Qualified Dividend) is exempted from US withholding tax while Unqualified Dividend and Qualified Dividend are subject to withholding tax.
咩黎? 下面用個圖解, 拿, 我都唔係好識!
On a side note, a W-8BEN form is only valid for 3 years and resubmission is required every 3 years to update the form. Any interest earned from your holdings will be subject to US withholding tax after the expiration of the form.
Please update your W-8BEN form before expiration. You may navigate to Settings > Account Settings > Profiles> Info on your Client Portal. The profile window opens, displaying the information of the people and/or entities associated with the account. The available Tax Forms are displayed at the bottom of the window.
For more information, you may refer to the following page:
Should you have any questions, please let us know.
Alan C
IBKR Client Services
咁GOF 實際係2018 年收左幾多稅? 當然少過30%啦
拿, 2019 係未知0既, 因為GOF 未出個張TAX CLASSI....如果各位係2018 年度已經持有GOF, 可以去REPORT 度睇下
其中一個月係咁, 收左4.6%
另一個月係咁, 收左15%
2018年度, 我只持有GOF 9個月, 除番都係大約7%稅! 咩係RIC? 大家GOOGLE 下啦, 我已經唔係太想知道事情0既真相, 大約如下:
最後的懶人包, 就係GOF 因為有RIC 又有派本金又乜又七, 所收0既息有部份係唔駛比30% 稅, 但係會收定一年, 係每年稅務年度完結時, IB 再退番比你! 總之有得退, IB 要厄9你都無計...
要厄你, GOF 都可以, 佢真係無槓桿? 又係咪真係無/有ROC?
點都好, 有錢收我就唔理, 最多, 只係諗換馬與否.
點都好, 有錢收我就唔理, 最多, 只係諗換馬與否.
BLOGGER 界面臨大問題, 就係越黎越少人寫, 如果你有提過GOF, 我唔介意LINK 埋你個BLOG 入黎, 好讓文字版心血得以延續落去!!